Money mistakes to quit now
Money can use for everything as we still have life but can't Save's our soul. Ways of handling money are:
1.Avoid misuse of your money
Don't over buy things you don't need much in your life. Spending all money at a night can cause trouble the next day
2. Stop gambling
Gambling can lead to broke if you do not put a stop to it. Butting small penny for huge can spend all your earning
Let do these calculations
Assuming you spend $2 each day for gambling 2×30= $60 in a month so 60×12=$750 multiply these for years and see how you misuse your money
3.Quit borrowing
Borrowing from bank can cause a lot Dept on you because interest will be added if you fail to use the borrowed money for work to pay back within the period given by the banks
4.Use your time well
Time is money as we all say. Why because the more you procrastinate the loser you become why don't you start something which can help you to get simple income for a living
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