Genotype which can help both before marriage

Don't hesitate to do test before engaging or accepting that beautiful lady or that handsome man
Consider these,

Genotypes and its appropriate suitor

AA+AA= Excellent
AA+AS = Good
AA+SS = Fair
AS+AS= Bad
AS+SS= Very Bad
SS+SS= Extremely Bad Don't try it

Genotype can be knew through text in biological lab
Consider any nearest hospital to ask for text which can help you in future if choosing your partner

Blood groups can be shown if you do the test to be  sure of what to eat and what to quit. Knowing these quit chronic diseases and maintain your natural health care

Although not everyone know these things but if you console your doctor he/she can help you. This is serious matter so comparing yourself with others won't help  to know your genotype.

Lab technician's are ready for you to do your text before accepting your future wife and husband.


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